I was actually really rather afraid that at the last minute I would drop the dinner or something
Welcome to my blog. Coffee and sarcasm served here with a touch of sass and sunshine. Follow me through all of my missteps and mishaps.
All in Misadventures in Cooking
I was actually really rather afraid that at the last minute I would drop the dinner or something
Full disclosure upfront: this was made on Wednesday as opposed to Saturday, because it just looked so easy, delicious, and fun to make, and I was really in the mood for chicken.
So, I trepidatiously approached the kitchen, visions of soggy bread dancing in my head.
The end result would require drinking a lot of water and the remainder of wine to wash this down.
Now, let me say this: The kitchen survived! I didn’t even smoke anyone out,
Unfortunately, people want to eat. They tend to get grouchy and pushy about it too. “Mom what’s for dinner?” “Mom want me to make dinner?” “Hey Hun, what’s your plans for dinner?”
Start small, holiday dinner is not the time to begin the foray into cooking.